Unitarian Universalist essays
On November 2, 1997 Kenneth M. Reeves delivered an essay he had written to the UU fellowship my family and I attend. It was a moving experience at the time. I sat there nodding through most of it, with smiles creeping across my face at times, bits of controlled laughter at others, and my mind being sent off in various directions throughout. To read the sermon that we heard click here. Since this was written to be 'performed', the humor and impact isn't quite as potent as when simply read. Enjoy it anyway.

I'm also going to devote this page to other similar essays. If you know of any on the internet, or if you have any that you would like to have put on the internet, please let me know. I'm interested in thought provoking essays that deal with science, a search for truth, creating meaning in our lives, and historical figures. I'm not interested in posting any of the political issues that some UUs speak out on.

Here are a few sites that contain such essays (and other similar items dealing with Unitarian Universalism):
Sermons by Mark Belletini
From the Pulpit
From the Pew
Where Did We Come From? Where Are We Heading? by William Calvin
A Liberal Religion
Edge of Tomorrow
Reality Religion: A Religion for Americans in the 21st Century
Pagan Traditions
Was Thomas Jefferson a Unitarian?
The Religions That Still Haunt Us

"[This religion] is likely to become the predominant sect amoung enlightened persons."
-- Achille Murat as quoted in Emerson: The Mind on Fire page 76